Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Power of Seven














Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mock product example

this is just a quick example- remember to include, text and a voice over in yours the mike is in the 

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Falkirk Football Club Letter

Dear, Stuart Scott

First of all I would like to thank you for choosing my consulting firm to evaluate your football clubs current financial position. For my evaluation I looked at three important ratios; current ratio, Account Receivable Turnover Ratio, and Net Profit Ratio. Below you will find my recommendations for your club.

Current ratio is used to determine if your company could pay all current liabilities if necessary. Your current ratio for 2004 was 1.1:1, however this ratio fell to .8:1 in 2005. This means that you do not have sufficient current assets on hand to pay your current liabilities. I recommend either eliminating some of your current liabilities or increasing current assets by possibly issuing more stock.

Account Receivables Ratio shows if your receivable collection policies are sufficient. Your 2004 turnover was 1.57, and your 2005 turnover was 2.22. The significant increase in this ratio suggests that at this time your collection policies are efficient.

Net Profit Ratio measures the profitability of companies. Your net profit ratio for 2004 was a dangerously low 5.5% and plummeted to a negative 25% percent in 2005. These alarming figures are a call to action for the future health of your business. While gross profit rose from 2004 to 2005 so did the administrative expenses. I recommend looking in to ways to decrease your expenses in administration. However the most alarming drop was in other operating income from $580,310 in 2004 to $44,744 in 2005. This large drop in income will need to be investigated to determine if it is permanent. If this drop is permanent I recommend looking into a new source of revenue. One possible solution could be using your stadium for events such as concerts.

Thank you once again for choosing our consultant firm, If you have any questions at all feel free to contact me.

Yours Truly,

Dustin Herbert

Head Consultant

Friday, December 14, 2007

Quick news post 12/14/2007

Steriods in baseball
It seems like everyone was doing steriodis durring this era. will Bonds be entered in to the baseball hall of fame .

Why are kids allergies on the rise when i was a kid nobody had peanut allergies.

I want some of that mid west snow.

the U.S look bad again why won't we agree to cut our green house gasses?

I did not know the who is this question? Robert Gates who replaced Donald Rumsfiled I think

Pacific garbage patch.
Where is the garbage coming from? it's weird how it collects in one place. the beach in Hawaii was really gross. You can recycle most plastics. Do you recycle at your house.